JSC “Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages” approved by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and operates dissertation councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 5 specialties/educational programs, 3 areas of training:
«8D017 – Тілдер мен әдебиет бойынша педагогтарды даярлау бағыты (білім беру бағдарламалары: «8D01721 – Шетел тілі педагогтарын даярлау», «6D011900 Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі»), қызмет мерзімі 03.03.2028 жылға дейін.
“8D023 Languages and Literature” (educational programs: “8D0232l (6D020700) Translation Studies”, ‘8D02322 (6D021000) Foreign Philology’) with the term of activity until 03.02.2028.
“8D03l Social Sciences» (educational programs: “8D03l2l (6D020200) International Relations”, ‘8D03122 Regional Studies’) with the term of activity till 03.02.2028.